Billing and stock program aimed at clinics

A billing and stock program is aimed at the internal organization of a clinic. Beyond the direct relationship with the patient, with functions such as organizing appointments, direct notifications or patient agendas, there are different functions that are basic for the organization of a medical center, and that are not directly related to the patient. , both billing and stock are two of these functions.

Supplier management is very important for any company. In the case of health clinics, having effective stock management and adequate invoice organization will allow you to work with the material you need at all times, and have absolute financial control.

What is a billing program

A billing program is a financial tool that allows you to organize and complete your clinic’s invoices.

Invoices can be of two types, they can be collection telemarketing list invoices to patients, or they can be invoices to suppliers.

Billing is one of the most important financial tasks of a company. A clinic must have a tool capable of organizing both the invoices issued by the clinic and those external invoices that include payments to suppliers. With Clinic Cloud you can have an online space, where you can store and organize all your invoices.

Automatic invoices and payment organization

Clinic Cloud allows you to have different templates for your invoices. You can generate several billing models and complete them from different devices connected to the internet. Once the invoice is finalized, you can print it and deliver it.

If you need several invoice models, you can generate them automatically from the software itself and organize your billing based on who is the recipient of the invoice.

Another very useful feature is the payment organizer. In this case, the software offers you the  Forex Email List possibility of distinguishing between paid, partially paid, pending invoices, etc.

If you offer your patients different payment or financing plans for their treatments, you will be able to update your invoices in real time simply and immediately.

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