Free virtual doctor the rise of online medical consultations

The immediacy that the Internet offers us and the delay that those who need to see a medical specialist often encounter have led to a great boom in online medical consultations. For example, a Google search for free virtual doctor already offers almost 500,000 results.

Types of free virtual doctors
A virtual doctor is an artificial intelligence available on a web page that, through a battery of questions to the user, offers a more or less specific yes or no diagnosis that guides towards a diagnosis based on the answers given. For example, if cough is selected as the main symptom, the first question is whether the cough started recently. If the answer is “no”, the next question is: Do you feel very difficult to breathe and are you coughing up a foamy, pink discharge? If the answer is affirmative, the virtual doctor indicates that the symptoms may correspond to pulmonary edema and, after briefly explaining what it consists of, invites the user to go quickly to the emergency room.

Advantages and disadvantages of the free virtual doctor

The main advantages that people find in using a free virtual doctor are: first, that, for the sake of redundancy, it is free and in many places medical assistance is not, and second, something that has also been mentioned before, immediacy. When someone feels sick or thinks something is wrong with them, they want to know how soon it can be and not wait to have an appointment with a doctor. Therein lies the success of the virtual doctor concept.

That is why the pages that offer a free virtual doctor are responsible for making it clear that their diagnosis in no case replaces the medical diagnosis, rather it guides or complements.

How can we solve this disadvantage? Video consultations carried out by specialized health professionals manage to break this virtual barrier, the personal and specific treatment allows the professional to obtain more symptomatic information compared to an automated virtual doctor with standard answers.

Digital medical services with Clinic Cloud

Clinic Cloud allows you to have all types of digital solutions, aimed at encouraging direct contact with the patient. Virtual doctor services are today the best complement to in-person healthcare. Thanks to Clinic Cloud healthcare software, you can offer your patients the advantages offered by online medical consultations, as well as other digital healthcare services.

Video consultations in real time
With Clinic Cloud you do not need other supports that allow you to contact your patients directly. Your patients will have an online doctor whenever they need it, with support adapted to their needs.

Both the crisis caused by the coronavirus and other  Forex Email List reasons related to mobility have caused more and more patients to request health video consultations, being able to ask a doctor online for free about their pathologies whenever they need it. With Clinic Cloud you can offer your patients the best digital direct care service, so that your patients feel protected in any circumstance.

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