Understand search better than ever

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 15 years working on Google search, it’s that people are endlessly curious. We see billions of searches every than ever day, and 15% of those queries are ones we’ve never seen before, so we built methods to return results for queries we couldn’t predict. When people like you and I access search, we’re not always sure of the best way to formulate a query. We may not know the right words to use, or how to spell something because we often learn by searching, but we don’t necessarily have that knowledge.

That's a lot of technical details

Searching a list of. The core is understanding the language. Our job is to find what you’re searching for and surface useful information from around the web, no matter how you spell or combine the words in your query. While we’ve improved our language understanding over the years, sometimes we executive data still don’t get it quite right, especially with complex or conversational queries. In fact, this is one of the reasons people often use “keywords”, i.e. typing in strings that they think we’ll understand, but aren’t actually how they would naturally ask the question.

Cracking your query than ever

This is a pretty phone list with a lot of technical details, but what does it mean to you? Well, by applying the BERT model to ranking and featured snippets in search, we’re better able to help you find useful information. In fact, when it comes to ranking results, BERT will help search better Forex Email List understand the 1 in 10 English searches in the U.S., and we’ll bring it to more languages ​​and regions over time. Especially for longer, more conversational queries, or searches where prepositions like “for” and “to” are important to the meaning, the search will be able to understand the context of the words in the query. You can search in any way that feels natural to you.

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